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5 Ways VoIP Excels Your Business Forward

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While Computers have frequent revolutionary updates and makeovers, the business telephone system has rarely seen much creative progression. That is until VoIP came along. It is revolutionary for the business telephone, and allows for flexible working from anywhere in the world and gives you more control. Here’s 5 ways VoIP excels your business forward.


What is VoIP?

Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a telephone system that uses the internet, rather than landlines. The main difference between VoIP and traditional phone systems revolves around the flexibility. It’s just like using a normal phone system, but there are much more features and benefits you can take advantage of for your business. These include:


  1. Full flexibility

Your staff will be able to take their handset with them home, or anywhere in the world with an internet connection, connect it to the handset, and will be able to use the phone exactly as they would if they were in the office. This allows for flexible working, and is great for business trips.

  1. Data

There’s much data that you can track with VoIP, such as how long each person or department has been on the phone for. You can also track customer intelligence, location data and success time for each phone call.

  1. Full control

You have full control over your VoIP system. And it’s easy to use as well. You can edit your IVR, hold music and voicemail effortlessly. You can set up your voicemails to send to your email address. Furthermore, you can set up mobile twinning, which allows you to receive calls to your office handset from your mobile.  The possibilities are endless!

  1. Dedicated, Fully Managed Support

Most traditional telephone providers are infamous for lousy support. VoIP is supplied by many small to medium sized businesses that will care about you much more. They also will have a dedicated helpdesk, so if you ever need anything changed or need help with anything, an engineer can do that for you. Because of the way VoIP works, engineers can resolve a problem or make a change remotely 9 times out of 10, saving time and efficiency.

  1. Disaster Recovery

Because you can make calls from anywhere in the world, at any time, VoIP is the perfect disaster recovery solution for your communications. If your employees are unable to make it into the office because of a disaster or emergency, then they can simply work from home on their own devices. There is no traditional hardware on-site as it’s all in the cloud.


So there you have it, 5 prominent ways VoIP can excel your business. If you resonate with any of these benefit and would like to find out more about VoIP, you can call us on 01273 806211, or email

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