How to create a positive company culture whilst hybrid working

How to Create a Positive Hybrid Working Company Culture 1 1
Company culture is a set of attitudes, values, beliefs, goals, and other characteristics a company or organisation follows to create a gratifying working environment. Various other elements impact company culture, including the work environment, company mission, leadership style, values, ethics, expectations, and goals. This may seem like a lot if you’re looking to create a more positive company culture, but there are two main ingredients to consider when it comes to company culture.

Ingredients for a positive company culture

There are two key ingredients in building a positive company culture:
  • Valuing diversity
  • An inclusive work environment
A business that consistently works to respect and celebrate employees’ different backgrounds and experiences will naturally have a more positive company culture.

Company culture reflects the business

It’s important to remember that your company culture reflects your business and its people. So whether your company is a small start-up or a more mature larger business, it’s worth paying attention to strong company culture examples. Click here to take a look at common words used to describe company culture.

How does hybrid work affect company culture?

As hybrid working has taken over the way we work, there will have been some changes in how a business functions. Communication and the way we interact with one another are one of them. 60% of hybrid workers say their only connection with their company culture is via their direct manager. Research shows that this can significantly impact how these employees perform; click here to learn more. With this in mind, let’s take a look at how your business can get back on track with your positive company culture, even with hybrid workers.

Ways you can help your hybrid and remote people feel more connected to the business:

Give recognition and reviews regularly

It’s important to recognise a job well done not only privately but publicly too. Reviews can help managers gain insight into employees’ plans and strengthen relationships.

Offer personal support

Times are tough, but some may be struggling more than others. When managers offer personal support, it can go a long way to making people feel more secure. Your employees may be struggling with technical issues and need more IT support, or they may want more one-on-one interaction because they feel lonely. Take time to talk to your employees individually and see how you can support them.

Talk purpose

Everyone within your business has an impact. Make sure everyone knows the purpose of individual roles and how they play an important part in reaching business goals.


Always take the time to listen to the feedback your people have. Whether it’s an idea about improving processes or complaints about connection speed, listen, take notes, and try to make adjustments, so everyone is happy. Overall, our suggestions for you are straightforward and easy to implement. So why not give them a go? You will instantly start boosting your employees’ happiness and motivation. If your business needs help to improve the way you work with your remote colleagues, get in touch with our technical experts today on 01273 806211 or email us at [email protected]