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An Ingenio Halloween 2017

1. Offical Team Photo e1509447628801

1. Offical Team Photo e1509447628801

This Halloween, the Ingenio Technologies team went to Tulleys Farm for the annual Shocktober festival. Here’s what happened.

Most of the team attended, but the prospect of scares got the best of a few of our team, such as helpdesk engineer Jake C, who is slightly craven when it comes to horrors! (Sorry JC!)

We Started our adventure into the void at the Acorn in Burgess Hill, to fuel up for the dark road ahead.



After Steaks, a Lobster Burger, and a Vegan Burger, we set out to the farm.

When we arrived, it was still daylight, so it wasn’t very scary. However, the atmosphere was great. There were bands setting up, actors walking around pretending to be freaks (i.e. clowns, police, ghosts), and the smell of BBQs and fire lingering around the place.

The Tulleys Farm experience was so much fun! Really enjoyed going out on the social with the rest of the team.

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