The Cyber Security Stats You Need to Know – For SMBs

Cyber Security

Often in Business, you can’t really appreciate the scale or effectiveness of things until you put numbers to them. These Cyber Security Stats will give you a better understanding of what is really happening with cyber security right now, where you may be vulnerable and, as a result, what it could cost you if you are affected.

Cyber Security Stats:

  1. 43% of cyber attacks are aimed at small businesses. (source)
  2. The UK’s 5.4 million small businesses are collectively attacked more than seven million times a year.(source)
  3. 60% of small companies go out of business within six months of a cyber attack. (source)
  4. Small businesses are concerned about cyber attacks. Also, only 51% of them are not allocating any budget to cyber security. (source)
  5. 1 in every 131 emails contains malware (source)
  6. In 2016, cyber security breaches cost UK businesses approximately £30 billion. (source)
  7. 37% of UK businesses experience cyber attacks at least once a month. (source)

If you would like to find out more about how to strengthen your business, call us today on 01273 806211 or email me, James, at: [email protected]