FareShare Sussex – giving back this Christmas

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This time of year is incredibly exciting for us all, we get to come together filled with Christmas spirit, spend time with family, exchange thoughtful gifts, and eat delicious food.

It is also a great time to reflect on how fortunate you are. There are so many people in need around the world. Not everyone can afford food and supplies, participate in Christmas festivities, or see loved family members.

With this in mind, we want to support our local community in any way that we can during the holiday season.

The Sussex Innovation Centre, where our office is based, has provided us with an opportunity to help FareShare. They are the UK’s national network for charitable food redistributors. They take pride in redistributing nutritious food that is good to eat. That food then reaches charities across the UK, including school breakfast clubs, older people’s lunch clubs, homeless shelters, and community cafes.

FareShare is so brilliant at what they do, every week they provide enough food to create almost a million meals for people that need it the most.

We are very grateful to be a part of this and help those in need at such a special time of year.

If you are interested in contributing to such a fantastic cause, click here to look at their website.