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Our New IT & Telecoms Apprentice – Welcome Rachel!

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Ingenio Technologies has just hired our 2nd new employee of the year. We welcome Rachel and look forward to a productive and enjoyable future together.

I set off to find out more about Rachel, and how she fits into the company.

Hi Rachel, how are you today?

I’m great thanks!

So what made you want to be an IT & Telecoms technician?

I already have some background knowledge in IT. I really wanted to choose a role that would help me expand my knowledge and experience. On daddy – daughter days my dad used to take me around various IT conventions because he’s really into IT. I’ve always been surrounded by an IT collective you could say.

Tell us a little about yourself.

You could say I’m a bit of a geek. I’m into science (cue scientific discussion). I spend a lot of the time in the forest walking my dog, Ollie. I love going on adventures and random places in my weekend such as Belfast and Amsterdam. For my birthday I was planning to go to Italy, but my training agency recently told me that’s when my first 7-day course is scheduled for!

How is Ingenio Technologies different from your previous jobs?

I’ve only been here for a week and I have already received more support and training than I ever have done. The communication here is far better than previous places of employment I’ve experienced. Every morning we have a meeting which is to know who is doing what for the day and if we are expecting any visitors or deliveries. This differs from my previous job in a bank where the meetings were very inconsistent.

How have you settled in so far?

It’s only been a week, but it’s gone incredibly fast. Everyone is friendly and hard working. If I have any issues I wouldn’t have a problem with speaking to anyone because they’re all approachable and willing to help.

What have you learnt so far?

I have learnt how to identify the insides of a computer.

What do you want to get out of this job?

I would like to get a recognised qualification that will help me with my future in IT.

(And now, time for our favourite question…)

You are a new addition to the crayon box. What colour would you be and why?

Green because green is my favourite colour. It’s fresh and light. It’s the colour of trees and leaves. A lifey colour. I feel it reflects me.


Thanks for the interview Rachel. We look forwards to working with you!

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