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The Propitious Data VoIP gives your Business

Computer Eyez Staff 22Nov16 Simon Callaghan Photography 617 scaled

Computer Eyez Staff 22Nov16 Simon Callaghan Photography 617 scaled

VoIP gives your business better access to a wide range of customer data including location data, time & date, Customer habits and products/services trends. As technology evolves, so does the access to never-ending data. Large corporations have been using this for marketing and sales purposes for a long time; now it’s time for small to medium businesses to take advantage of this – and VoIP is just the platform to assist you.


When most people hear ‘VoIP’ they think of diverse functionalities, increased mobility and cheaper telephony, but not many people consider the opportune wonders that VoIP data can do for their business. Here are several examples of how it can work for you.


Customer intelligence


How many times has a client called up your business and wanted to continue a discussion they were having last week with someone on your team? They may have possibly forgotten the name of the staff members they spoke with, and just want to continue with the discussion, regardless of who it was with.

By combining your VoIP telephone system with compatible Customer Relationship (CRM) Software, it’s possible to route callers to the same staff member and open up all that clients service history as well, so any notes from the discussion last week can be picked up on once again.

Location Data


Understanding how purchasing habits vary between locations can advance your marketing, customer service and client retention. Ask your VoIP service provider about call-routing options, so that whoever answers your phones is an expert in the area the caller is coming from. Has your business got various branches at different locations? Route it so that it the call is answered by an employee of the branch the call is coming from. Talking to a local who understands the area is valuable in customer service.


Success Time


If your business makes outbound calls, you can track at what times of the day (and on what day) has the most success. Each time has a different success rate; after all, no one likes to be called at lunch time. Once informed with this information, you can dive in and try to make the most calls in that time frame. You may even find that there is a particular combination of time and day that simply doesn’t generate a need for many people to work on the phones.


Do you think you could be getting a better ROI from your VoIP system by using your calling data more effectively? It could be as simple as better organizing your usage statistics, or as intricate as installing specialized analytics software.

Regardless of how you want to go about it, we’re the ones to do it – contact us today!

Find out what your telephone system should have here:

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