Protecting Your Brighton Business from Email Spoofing

Protecting Your Brighton Business from Email Spoofing

Protecting Your Brighton Business from Email Spoofing

In Brighton’s bustling business community, email remains an indispensable communication tool. However, it also opens doors to cyber threats like email spoofing. Understanding and defending against this deceitful tactic is crucial for every business owner in our city.

How Email Spoofing Works

Email spoofing is a cyber attack where the sender’s address is falsified, making the email appear to originate from a trusted source. This method is often used in phishing scams to trick recipients into divulging sensitive information or making unauthorised transactions. Imagine receiving an email that seems to be from a known Brighton supplier, but it’s actually from a hacker!

Risks and Impacts

The risks associated with email spoofing are substantial, ranging from financial losses to compromised data security. Local businesses could face disrupted operations and tarnished reputations. We might not hear about every incident in Brighton, but these threats are omnipresent.

Identification Tips

Spotting a spoofed email can be challenging, but there are telltale signs:
  • Mismatched URLs: Hover over any links in the email without clicking. If the actual URL differs from the displayed link, be cautious.
  • Spelling and Grammar Errors: Professional entities typically send well-composed emails. Be cautious of mistakes.
  • Unusual Requests: Be sceptical of emails requesting urgent action, especially involving money or confidential information.

Preventive Measures

Prevention is better than cure:
  • Email Authentication: Implement SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to authenticate emails.
  • Regular Training: Conduct frequent cybersecurity awareness sessions for your staff.
  • Updated Security Software: Ensure your antivirus and anti-malware software are up to date.

Response Strategies

If you suspect email spoofing:
  • Do Not Respond: Avoid replying or clicking on any links.
  • Report and Analyse: Report the incident to your IT support team. Preserve the email for analysis.
  • Change Passwords: If you suspect a breach, change your passwords immediately.


As Brighton’s business landscape grows, so does the necessity for cybersecurity vigilance. By staying informed and prepared, we can collectively thwart the efforts of cybercriminals.