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Ransomware targets all businesses, no one is safe – Your business deserves to be protected.

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img featured ransomware

Ransomware. It’s probably something you’ve heard about already, but were you aware there has been a huge rise in Ransomware over the years?

It’s businesses like yours that it targets. Luckily, with the right knowledge and preparation, there are ways to keep safe.

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is malicious software that is designed to block access and take over a system on a computer. Once the criminal has taken over a business’s system, they will then request a sum of money to be paid in order for the business to have access to their system again.

It could cost a business thousands of pounds, plus there is no guarantee they will actually regain access to their system.

Ransomware threatens your business every day.

Criminals are taking advantage of the pandemic and targeting businesses even harder. Discover more about Ransomware within this article – click here to read.

Every business is at risk of Ransomware

It’s very easy to read about other businesses, feel sorry that it has happened to them and think your business is safe, having the mindset “that couldn’t happen to me”.
You couldn’t be more wrong. Every business is threatened by cybercriminals all day, every day.

Recently, a French IT Service company was targeted, Sopra Steria.

They identified the security attack and discovered that it was a Ransomware attack.

A message was sent out from the businesses stating that it is a new version of Ryuk ransomware, which has previously been unknown to anti-virus software providers and security agencies.

Their investigation teams immediately provided the competent authorities with all the information that was needed. This is so a new version of the virus’s signature was available to all anti-virus software providers, so they could update their software, protecting many other businesses.

Sopra Steria analysed the attack and put together a plan to fix the issue as much as they could. They started to reboot their information system and operations securely.
This is great news for the business, but it could take weeks before the business can return to normal.

Prevent Ransomware

As scary and threatening Ransomware is, there is still a way to keep your business safe.

You just need to have the best security and IT team supporting your business.

We use all the top security tools and are always vigorously on the lookout for an attack on our business.

Likewise, we do the same for our clients because we want what is best for them.

How secure is your business’s against cyber threats?

If you are concerned and would like to discuss cyber security options, contact our experts today, we will be more than happy to discuss your options and put your mind at ease.

Call 01273 830271 or email

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