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Why should you always purchase laptop/desktop warranty?

Why should you always purchase laptop desktop warranty 1 1

Why should you always purchase laptop desktop warranty 1 1

Getting a new laptop/desktop (we will stick with laptop for the rest of the blog, but this topic applies to both) is always exciting, especially for work, as it means there’s no more waiting around for applications to load, so you can be more efficient with your time. Something we’ve noticed a lot from our clients is they don’t consider the necessity of a warranty for a new laptop.

What does a warranty for your laptop mean for your business?

If you are not aware, a manufacturer’s guarantee regarding the terms and situations in which repairs or exchanges will be made if the laptop does not function as originally described or intended.

Modern warranties are not what they used to be and have changed for the better, they used to be more expensive than the piece of hardware itself, for example, you buy a washing machine for £200, and you pay £500 for the warranty – what a ripoff. We’re glad to say, this is no longer the case, and they are more cost-effective.

How much will my business be covered?

Laptop warranty coverage is mainly for hardware problems that typically aren’t caused by the owner, it covers the laptop parts and labour from technicians for the repair. These issues include the following:

The warranty and amount of coverage you have will depend on the manufacturer, it’s a great thing to check or get your IT support company to have a look into this for you before purchasing the laptop.

How long will the laptop be covered?

The warranty term length will vary, most laptops come with a year’s warranty as standard, however, we would strongly recommend increasing the warranty to five years. This is the age of a machine when you should be looking to replace it.

Why should you invest in an extended warranty?

Just like anything, after a certain amount of time, your laptop will begin to run into issues, during your day-to-day work. This will only cause you frustration, especially if a number of employees are running into similar issues. If you still have the warranty on those laptops, your mind will be put at ease, here is why:

What to look out for when checking the warranty:

Overall, a warranty is needed and is essential for the protection of your and your employee’s laptops, so you are covered if anything should happen.

We recommend you get a warranty for all laptops (and other devices) but ensure you carry out thorough checks before purchasing. We would advise sticking to the manufacturer rather than through a third party, however, some of the things to consider include:

The world of warranties can be slightly confusing, but the aim is to get you back using a device and working again as quickly as possible.

If you get stuck or are unsure what warranty your laptop is covered by, get in touch and one of our technical experts can help you today. Call 01273 806211 or email

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