Sussex Businesses to Face Fine if Cyber Security is Inadequate

Newhaven business scaled

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Legislation is due to be enforced from the 25th May 2018. Seahaven Cyber Security plays part in becoming compliant. This legislation affects anybody trading in the EU or anybody trading with countries in the EU.

Businesses in the Seahaven area will be affected by GDPR and could face fines of up to 4% of their global total revenue, or up to £17 million, whichever is higher. Therefore, it’s important to be compliant.

It’s all about protecting yours and your client’s data. If you can’t prove you have adequate cyber security measures in place and experience a cyber breach, you are likely to get a fine.


How do I prove I have put adequate cyber security measures in place?


The best way is to get the Cyber Essentials Plus Accreditation for your business.

The Accreditation is a government scheme about adopting good practice into your business’s cyber security measures.

Here at Ingenio Technologies, we achieved the Cyber Essentials Plus Accreditation last October. Now that it’s getting nearer to GDPR, it’s becoming even more important that businesses incorporate Cyber Essentials into their business.

Having a Cyber Essentials Plus Accreditation is a good foundation for GDPR as it shows you have reviewed your Company’s Network and also puts in place a standard set of security measures.


Other reasons why having cyber security is imperative:


  • Did you know that 43% of cyber attacks are aimed at small businesses? What’s alarming is that even while small businesses are concerned with cyber attacks, 51% are not allocating any budget to cyber security.
  • The scariest statistic however, is that 60% of small companies that experience a cyber attack go out of business within 6 months.
  • Letting your clients know you have good cyber security measures in places increases their trust in you when using their data.
  • It shows you are ‘up-to-date’ with protecting your business and your client’s data.
  • You can stop worrying your business’s defences and what would happen if you experience a cyber breach.