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We Welcome Our Second Apprentice Of 2017 – Reace!

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blog pic welcome scaled

Reace is a smart young man that has just recently joined the team. He’s motivated to make his mark in the IT industry and is quick when it comes to technicalities. We’re thoroughly looking forward to working with him.

An interview took place to find out more about Reace, here’s what happened.


So Reace, what made you want to work as an Apprentice IT & Telecoms technician?

I wanted to get my foot in the industry. My family has a long line of Technicians, and I want to be no different. I love to know how things work. I’ve always tinkered into things.


Tell us a little about yourself.

I used to ride bikes semi-professionally. I stopped when I broke my ankle however! That’s when I started to get into IT. I would host websites and domains. I’ve always been into IT you see, my father got my first computer when I was 6 years old. I’m logical. I think methodically.


How is Ingenio Technologies different from your previous jobs?

I would say it’s more down to earth (which is ironic because we work in the cloud a lot). We’re a close-knit team hear and there’s a lot of mutual trust going around. I’ve never had the chance to experience that with previous jobs.


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I would like to be a fully qualified IT and Telecoms engineer and have a full-time job doing just that.


What do you think makes Ingenio Technologies unique?

When I went on training I talked to a lot of trainee technicians from different IT support companies. What surprised me is that most of them said their response time (how long you have to address an issue) is about 4 hours! Here at Ingenio Technologies, we have a 1 hour response time.


What phrase or word would you use to sum up your journey with Ingenio Technologies so far?



Thanks Reace, we look forwards to achieving great things together!


By Jake Wharton
Marketing Assistant
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