Why EDR Is as Essential as Business Insurance in 2024

EDR Essential Protection for Businesses in 2024

Why EDR Is as Essential as Business Insurance in 2024

At Ingenio Technologies, we often find it surprising that businesses invest in insurance without question, but hesitate when it comes to protecting their systems from cyberattacks. Just like insurance safeguards against financial risks, EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) shields your business from the increasing threat of cyberattacks. The reality is that every business should have it—no exceptions.

Why EDR Is Essential

EDR isn’t just a piece of software; it’s a proactive defence system. With tools like SentinelOne, which we use, EDR works around the clock to monitor and protect every device in your network—whether it’s a laptop, desktop, or server. But it doesn’t stop there. Unlike traditional antivirus software that waits for something to go wrong, SentinelOne detects and responds to potential threats in real time. It identifies unusual activity, analyses it, and then neutralises it before any damage is done.

Cyberattacks often happen when no one is around to notice—weekends, holidays, or the middle of the night. This is when businesses are most vulnerable. SentinelOne’s automated responses and our round-the-clock monitoring ensure that threats are stopped the moment they arise, not hours or days later.


Many businesses wonder about the difference between EDR and MDR (Managed Detection and Response). With EDR, you have real-time monitoring and threat response built into your system, allowing SentinelOne to act autonomously when an attack happens. MDR adds an extra layer—human oversight. With MDR, you have a team of cybersecurity experts monitoring your systems 24/7. At Ingenio Technologies, we provide both services, depending on the level of coverage your business needs. EDR is an excellent supplement to any Cyber Security posture.

Why You Need a 24/7 SOC

Security doesn’t clock off at 5 PM. Attackers know this and specifically target out-of-hours periods. A weekend attack could give a hacker 48 hours of uninterrupted time to steal data, encrypt your files, and shut down your operations. That’s why having a 24×7 Security Operations Centre (SOC) is critical. With Ingenio Technologies, our team is always on alert, ensuring your systems are safe at any hour.

Think of it like having a guard dog that never sleeps. Even when you’re away, we’re protecting your business.

What’s the Cost?

One of the main concerns we hear is about the cost of implementing EDR or MDR solutions. But the truth is, compared to hiring new staff, these costs are minor. At Ingenio Technologies, we offer EDR solutions starting at just £10 per endpoint (a laptop or desktop is an endpoint), while our more comprehensive MDR services can be as much as £20 per endpoint.

Let’s break that down. A typical marketing employee in the UK earns anywhere from £2,000 to £3,000 per month. If you add just £10 to £20 per device for EDR or MDR protection, that’s a tiny fraction of the cost of employing someone. For less than 1% of a single employee’s monthly wage, you can protect your entire digital infrastructure from devastating attacks.

Why SentinelOne?

SentinelOne is at the heart of our EDR and MDR services. It offers several advanced features, including:

  • Real-time detection: SentinelOne constantly monitors all your endpoints, looking for suspicious activity and stopping threats before they cause damage.
  • Automated response: If a threat is detected, the system doesn’t wait for human intervention. It immediately acts to isolate and remove the threat.
  • Comprehensive coverage: It protects against everything from ransomware and malware to fileless attacks that traditional antivirus software often misses.

When you choose Ingenio Technologies, you’re not just getting a service—you’re getting peace of mind that your business is safe, even during the most vulnerable times.

Think Ahead

With the rise in cyberattacks, investing in EDR isn’t just a choice anymore—it’s a necessity. At Ingenio Technologies, we make it easy and affordable to secure your business with SentinelOne. The small cost of £10-£20 per endpoint is nothing compared to the peace of mind and security you gain in return. Just like you wouldn’t operate without insurance, it’s time to start thinking of EDR the same way.