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5 Things telling you it’s time to outsource your IT

support company

support company

Is it time to grow? To abolish the IT problems slowing your company down? Or are you fighting the battle fine on your own? Here are 5 things telling you it’s time to outsource.

1.You are losing time due to IT issues.
It’s stressful. You have a busy day ahead of you and then some computer in your office develops a problem, keeping your employees from doing their work. This downtime can often be disastrous and can easily set the business back from work, time and ultimately money. Outsource IT companies can often fix your issue immediately with a phone call, or if a physical problem arises they can be on your site within an hour.

2.Every time you hire a technician to fix your problem it sets you back a few coins.
Freelance technicians and shops are expensive, and can often only resolve the problem in the short run. IT support companies know your programs inside and out and will often resolve the problem at the early stages, all for a fixed, predictably monthly fee. They’re not just someone you go to when you have a problem… They are the gardeners of your IT lawn.

3.You don’t have any data security or back-up.
Did you know that 60% of businesses will shut down within 6 months of losing their data? A terrifying thought indeed. It’s so important to have your valuable data secure and backed-up. Another scary statistic is that 36% of cyber-attacks were against small/medium businesses. Answer this question truthfully – when was the last time that you tested if you could restore from backup? An outsourced company would test regularly.

4.When it comes to software problems, the supplier is talking a foreign language.
Say, for instance, you can’t access your accounts software. You have no choice but to call the supplier. It often takes ages and is a confusing process; why don’t they just talk in English! Reputable outsourced IT companies will take ownership of ALL problems even though it may not be their responsibility.

5.The IT war you are fighting is starting to become stressful.

It’s harder to work in a stressful environment, which isn’t helpful for anyone. When you have an Issue, just sit back and let your Outsource IT Company take remote access of your PC and fix the problem for you, giving you time to make a coffee and ultimately get on with your work.

So there you have it. 5 things telling you it’s time to outsource your IT. Now check out what you should be looking for in an IT company by downloading our free eBook here.

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